Together, through your generosity, we are walking men through a journey of healing that leads to deeper meaning and restoration.


Reach More Men

with the transforming power of Jesus’ love


Stand In The Gap

for guys struggling to get their lives back on track


Reverse The Trend

and help men battling with substance abuse break the cycle


Make An Eternal Difference

 by partnering with us to make families whole again

Ready to see what we can accomplish together?

Your giving isn’t just a donation. It’s an investment.

“As a Waypoint volunteer I am able to see firsthand how this ministry provides the tools for growth in Christ that each of the men so desperately need. Life-changing help (not just addiction recovery) is available to each man as they learn that our God loves them and who they are in Christ. They are then able to relate to others on a genuinely personal level and are better prepared to face obstacles after completing the necessary time at Waypoint. I have seen many families recovered, and God is glorified in the process!”

Jack Harshbarger

“I think it was 2008 the first time I went to a Waypoint Men's Gratitude session, the hour each Monday morning that each tells what they are grateful for that morning. These quite frank responses were a shock at first, then as time went by, such real heart responses became common. The men expressed a real human longing for something better that is seldom discussed, even in most churches I have experienced. We all have life's happenings we can support, financially and personally, but I can think of nothing better than to serve young men trying desperately to recover the joys of their lives, lost temporarily to the devil of drug addiction.”

Tommy James


Your trust is important to us.

We know you need to have confidence when you give. As a faith-based 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, our commitment to integrity runs deep. We don’t take your trust lightly and are grateful for your partnership. It makes what we do each and every day possible.