David Poe

David started using drugs and alcohol to cope at a very young age. He used to escape the reality that his family was imperfect. During his addiction, David struggled with shame, guilt, and self-worth. David blamed himself and others for not being in his children’s life. David came through Waypoint in 2016 with reservation to drink and smoke once the program was completed. Very quickly David found himself right back in the bondage of addiction and again separated from his kids. David returned to Waypoint in 2022 to find something that was more valuable than just himself. He was sick and tired of all the chaos and hurt. David surrendered himself to Christ and gave God all the control.

David loves to share his personal story with the men and enjoys teaching class. He has a heart to work and serve as the Food Service Manager. David has become ServSafe Certified and has a desire to get his certification as a Certified Addiction Counselor. David is focusing on restoring the relationship with his youngest son. David believes in God’s perfect timing; He will restore all his relationships with family.

Certification: ServSafe Manager

Favorite Verse: “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.” – Isaish 40:31

Eric Downs

Eric Downs was born in Minnesota. After losing his father to lung cancer at the age of 10, he moved to Georgia with his mother. Eric found acceptance through his athleticism and eventually began experimenting with alcohol and marijuana in high school. His choices and addictive lifestyle led him into dropping out of college. Once dropped out of college, his addiction began to spiral out of control and progressed. Eric learned about Waypoint through his cousin. He found the meaning of a true relationship with Jesus while submitting to God’s will. Jesus is reconciling all the broken relationships within his family. Eric answered the call to commit to the Servant Leader Program and within twelve months he answered a call to become the Assistant Thrift Store Manager at Waypoint. Eric enjoys the meaningful relationships with the men and along with others in the community. Eric takes every opportunity to share his testimony and express his worship. Eric graduated from Southwest Bible College with an Associates Degree in Biblical Studies. Eric is currently on the worship team at The Torch in Dahlonega and desires to become a Certified Addiction Counselor.

Certifications:  CCIT – Counselor in Training

Favorite Verse: “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” – Galatians 2:20

Matthew Scott

Born in Arkansas, Matt and his family moved to Georgia when he was seven years old. His childhood and teenage years were relatively normal and included church attendance and sports activities. He began drinking at an early age. Following marriage, he spent many years working various jobs, primarily in marketing and sales. Despite his successes in business, his dependence on alcohol led to one firing after another.

At one of his lowest points, Matt entered Waypoint Ministry and although completing the 12-month program and returning to the business world, he returned to drinking. Eight years later, following a divorce and his life spiraling out of control, he entered Waypoint for the second time directly upon release from jail, and that’s when things really began to change. His effort was, for the first time, put directly into his relationship with God. With the help of the Waypoint leaders and men he was surrounded by daily, he learned to put God first. Not only to stay sober but to lead a joy-filled life.

Since joining the Waypoint staff, It is abundantly clear to him that this is God’s plan and path, and he is happy to be in a position to help the men at Waypoint Ministry battle addiction with their walk in the Lord, and to encourage them by sharing his experiences and message of hope.

Outside of Waypoint, Matt is focused on building his relationship with his son and daughter. He is also an avid sports fan and, especially because of his Arkansas roots, loves his “Razorbacks”!

Certifications: CCIT – Counselor in Training.

Favorite Verse: “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time He may exalt you, casting all your distress on Him, because He cares for you”. – 1 Peter 5:6-7

Mike Arehart

Mike Arehart was born in Ventura, California. He battled drug addiction for over two decades. He originally entered Waypoint in 2018 with the sole purpose to escape from society for a year. His mind was set on exploring Christianity while still holding onto Worldly things. Mike returned to Waypoint for a second time in 2020 to find a true relationship with Christ. Mike decided it was time to surrender completely to God. Mike is valuable to the Waypoint team and works at the thrift store as the Sales Floor Manager. He really enjoys serving the surrounding community by sharing his personal testimony with the many customers that come through our thrift store.

Mike has an Associate Degree in Biblical Studies from Southwest Bible College. He is also working on attaining his credentials to become a Certified Addiction Counselor. Mike is also focusing on restoring his relationship with his two kids.

Certifications: CCIT – Counselor in Training

Favorite Verse: “But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if even death separates you and me.” – Ruth 1:16-17

Tyler Stewart

Tyler grew up in Pickens, Georgia. He had a childhood of being dragged to church every Sunday morning. His father was deep in addiction and his mother was in church every week. Tyler desired a close relationship with his father. He became angry and rebellious in school and church. Tyler started drinking alcohol at age 15 and found acceptance in his peers and his father. Over the next couple of years, Tyler’s life spiraled out of control. Tyler would play the drums at church on Sundays and the next day use alcohol and other drugs with his father. Tyler was arrested in February 2022. He believes the events that day saved his life. Tyler found his salvation in Jesus and his heart began to change. The bondage of anger and rebellion broke off. Tyler answered God’s calling to commit to the Servant Leader program and within twelve months he answered the calling to become staff. Tyler graduated from Southwest Bible College with an Associate Degree in Biblical Studies. He also plays drums for Freedom Tabernacle and is exploring volunteer opportunities at The Torch in Dahlonega. Tyler enjoys teaching others the true meaning of a personal relationship with Jesus through his testimony and worship.

Certifications:  CCIT – Counselor in Training.

Favorite Verse: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” – Proverbs 3:5-6

Matt Mote

Married to his high school sweetheart Tracey, and now blessed with 3 children, Levi, Ethan, and Marlee, Matt has been working in the field of addiction recovery since 2008 and as a Certified Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor since 2012.  He graduated from Liberty University with his Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice and his Master of Arts in Professional Counseling.  He and his family have been serving as pastors since 2004.  They have recently merged their ministry to birth Rehoboth Congregational Holiness Church in Banks County.  Here at Waypoint, we employ a holistic approach to regeneration and are grateful for Matt’s expertise in understanding the clinical side of recovery. Each and every day, men benefit from tackling their habits with both their head and their heart. We are grateful for Matt’s investment that makes change possible for each and every man we serve.

Certifications: Certified Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor

Favorite Verse: “Blessed [happy and sheltered by God’s favor] is everyone who fears the LORD [and worships Him with obedience], who walks in His ways and lives according to His commandments.” – Psalms 128:1

Miles Rapier

Miles started a life of drug and alcohol use in his early teens. With a rough home life, these substances were a poor antidote to fill a hole that could only truly be filled through a deeper faith in Jesus. It would, unfortunately, be several years before he came to that realization. In the meantime, he experienced a failed attempt at college and even homelessness as a result of addiction. Like so many of our graduates, he was at the end of his rope when he finally found a home here at Waypoint Ministry. His path toward recovery, rejuvenation, and renewed hope wasn’t easy – but it was life-changing. Today, you can find Miles serving the men in the very seats where he once sat. We cannot think of a better person to welcome men into our home than someone who has walked through the same despair and has come out free on the other side. Miles holds an Associate of Arts in Biblical Studies.

Certifications: CIT – Counselor in Training

Favorite Verse: “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” – Ezekiel 36:26

Michael Tucker

Michael grew up in Cumming, Georgia. Despite the promise of a degree, he began to struggle with alcohol in his early twenties – an unfortunate reality for so many. Things continued to tailspin for Michael until joining the family here at Waypoint. As a graduate of our program, he relates to the men in our care in a unique and compelling way. Through his twelve-month stay, an additional season of volunteering, and now as a staff member, Michael not only found personal freedom but feels called to serve other men so they find theirs. Michael returned to school and received an Associate of Arts in Biblical Studies from Southwest Bible College. He has a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry from Southwest Bible College. In his downtime, he enjoys spending time outdoors.

Certifications: CIT – Counselor in Training, Adaptative De-escalation Alternatives Instructor

Favorite Verse: “Built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.”- Ephesians 2:20-22

Chris Gillhouse

Chris started off as a volunteer here at Waypoint. Later, he joined the board, and then ultimately felt the Lord nudging him in 2012 to leave the world of commercial construction to support Waypoint Ministry full-time as Executive Director. Along with his wife Robin, who’s affectionately called the “Waypoint Mom”, Chris spends his time carrying out the vision of our ministry, planning for the future, and investing in the lives of each and every man who comes to us for help. Under his leadership, our organization continues to grow as we serve more men and families in need of regenerative care from life-controlling habits. He has a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Counseling / Psychology.

Certifications: CAC Level II (Certified Addiction Counselor)

Favorite Verse: “We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are. For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, with undeserved kindness, declares that we are righteous. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty of our sins.” – Romans 3:22-24