E Downs staff 6_24 (1)

Eric Downs

Eric Downs was born in Minnesota. After losing his father to lung cancer at the age of 10, he moved to Georgia with his mother. Eric found acceptance through his athleticism and eventually began experimenting with alcohol and marijuana in high school. His choices and addictive lifestyle led him into dropping out of college. Once dropped out of college, his addiction began to spiral out of control and progressed. Eric learned about Waypoint through his cousin. He found the meaning of a true relationship with Jesus while submitting to God’s will. Jesus is reconciling all the broken relationships within his family. Eric answered the call to commit to the Servant Leader Program and within twelve months he answered a call to become the Assistant Thrift Store Manager at Waypoint. Eric enjoys the meaningful relationships with the men and along with others in the community. Eric takes every opportunity to share his testimony and express his worship. Eric graduated from Southwest Bible College with an Associates Degree in Biblical Studies. Eric is currently on the worship team at The Torch in Dahlonega and desires to become a Certified Addiction Counselor.

Certifications:  CCIT – Counselor in Training

Favorite Verse: “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” – Galatians 2:20