T Stewart staff 6_24

Tyler Stewart

Tyler grew up in Pickens, Georgia. He had a childhood of being dragged to church every Sunday morning. His father was deep in addiction and his mother was in church every week. Tyler desired a close relationship with his father. He became angry and rebellious in school and church. Tyler started drinking alcohol at age 15 and found acceptance in his peers and his father. Over the next couple of years, Tyler’s life spiraled out of control. Tyler would play the drums at church on Sundays and the next day use alcohol and other drugs with his father. Tyler was arrested in February 2022. He believes the events that day saved his life. Tyler found his salvation in Jesus and his heart began to change. The bondage of anger and rebellion broke off. Tyler answered God’s calling to commit to the Servant Leader program and within twelve months he answered the calling to become staff. Tyler graduated from Southwest Bible College with an Associate Degree in Biblical Studies. He also plays drums for Freedom Tabernacle and is exploring volunteer opportunities at The Torch in Dahlonega. Tyler enjoys teaching others the true meaning of a personal relationship with Jesus through his testimony and worship.

Certifications:  CCIT – Counselor in Training.

Favorite Verse: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” – Proverbs 3:5-6